iPhone owners frustrated by random shut downs and battery status drops: http://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/2478753/draingate-causes-iphone-battery-woes-with-ios-1011-likely-cause? read more →
Keeping WSUS working well can be a bit be more involved than Microsoft would have you think. If you are finding you are getting “timeout” issues on your WSUS cleanup wizard, then you may need to resort to some back-end WSUS database cleaning. The link below is not quite a blow by blow set of.. read more →
Today’s Guest Post is by Lathem Elwin of Holmes Accountancy Limited. I subscribe to the Holmes Accountancy Friday Tax Tip, and after their tip about the new dividend tax last week I asked if they’d be willing to write a guest post for me with more detail, and that is what Lathern has done. read more →
So you are a Talk Talk customer, and you heard on the news today that they have suffered from a cyber attack, but what does that mean to you? What do you actually need to do? At the moment the attack is being investigated and they really still don’t know what information might have been.. read more →
If your total income is less than £10600 in the next tax year (2015 to 2016), you might be able to reduce the tax bill of your wife, husband or civil partner by up to £212. The new Marriage Allowance will let you transfer some of your Personal Allowance to you partner. This new allowance.. read more →
If you use the HMRC basic PAYE tools then please be aware that there is now an update available from the GOV.UK website. This new version includes updates to the automatic update facility, and needs to be downloaded and installed directly from the website. You shouldn’t attempt to download by selecting the ‘Check for updates/Check.. read more →
I was recently approached by GoCardless, to offer advice on their development of an interface for their Direct Debit service with Sage 50. I was really pleased that they had the foresight to consult with Sage users and trainers as they did the development, and they listened to our comments and acted on the advice.. read more →
Do you ever see 99.9% or the “five nines” – “99.999%”bandied about? Its usually in relation to uptime – how much uptime or conversely downtime your service is up or down for. Pretty important when you want to determine how reliable your service provider is likely to be when you might be hosting your entire.. read more →
DNS is one of the key parts of what makes the internet world go round. Think of it of a big address book of website servers, mail servers and similar. Without a working DNS, a lot of the internet would simply stop working too. If you know how DNS works, then you will already be.. read more →
I have noticed over the last few weeks an increase in the number of fake messages which claim to come from the HMRC or Government Gateway and look at first glance quite realistic. They have a realistic return address such as noreply@hmrc.gov.uk or gateway.confirmation@gateway.gov.uk, but also have an attachment which is zipped up, which is.. read more →